Tips for Your Nursing Facility – Keeping Residents Active

Nursing facility residents should be kept active to stave off depression, prevent falls, and maintain a positive outlook on life. In order to keep your residents engaged and active, you’ll need to have activities that they enjoy. Many nursing home residents spend most of their day sleeping, so activities that require them to get up and move are important in keeping them happy and healthy. Here, Mark Berger, CEO of Villa Healthcare, shares some tips for keeping your nursing facility active.

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Encourage Daily Activities

Residents often enjoy activities that have a specific, daily purpose. You can encourage daily activities that have a purpose by having residents participate in activities that meet specific needs, such as cleaning, dressing, and eating. You can also encourage daily activities by scheduling daily exercise. Residents who participate in daily exercise often enjoy exercising and will be more likely to participate in other activities that they would otherwise skip.

Add social games

Social games can easily be incorporated into daily activities. These games are usually played between two people, encouraging social interaction. You can add social games by putting a table or chairs by the common area and encouraging residents to sit and chat while they eat or while they prepare their meals. You can also set up an outdoor area where residents can sit and socialize while they participate in outdoor activities like gardening, walking, or relaxing in the sun.

Schedule physical games

Physical games are a great way to get residents moving. You can schedule physical games for the entire day or only during specific times, such as in the morning when the weather is nicer or in the early afternoon when the sun is at a lower angle. Physical games can be as simple as walking laps around a large lawn, or as complex as playing tennis. Physical games that encourage outdoor activities are particularly beneficial for residents with mobility issues as they can get plenty of fresh air and exercise as well, explains Mark Berger Villa Healthcare.

Use food and drink

Food and drink can be incorporated into daily activities to provide a source of nutrition while also serving a purpose. For example, nursing home owner Mark Berger recommends serving fruit as part of a daily cleaning activity, or you placing water bottles throughout the facility that residents can take with them as they participate in activities throughout the day.

Residents often become bored with their food, and adding a little something new to your menu can keep them interested while they eat. Organize afternoon activities that include food and drinks to entice residents to attend. You might reward your participants with ice cream or popcorn after playing a physical game.


Nursing facility residents need to stay active to have a better quality of life and to prevent depression. You can encourage daily activities, add social games, schedule physical games, and use food and drink to keep your residents engaged. Make sure that each resident has an activity that they enjoy, and be sure to incorporate daily exercise into your schedule as well. The more active your residents are, the happier they will be and the less depressed they will be. Take advantage of this opportunity to make your residents’ lives easier and healthier by encouraging daily activities, adding social games, scheduling physical games, and using food and drink.

Choosing the Right Nursing Home

When it comes to choosing a nursing home, there’s no shortage of choices. You may feel like you have the most options when it comes to what kind of care you can get in a nursing home, but that’s only part of the story. You want to make sure that the place is perfect for you. The right facility will meet your specific needs and make sure you’re getting the best possible care. Before moving forward with your decision, take some time to understand exactly what you’re getting into.

In this article, Mark Berger, owner and CEO of the nursing home Villa Healthcare will share some factors to look at when choosing a nursing home for you or for your loved one.

Continue reading “Choosing the Right Nursing Home”

Covid-19 Precautions for Patients With Cystic Fibrosis

Taking into account that cystic fibrosis is a degenerative disease that mainly affects the lungs and the digestive system, it is understandable that the spread of COVID-19 is generating some insecurity among patients, families and caregivers.

To help you better understand the situation and address it in the appropriate way, Mark Berger, CEO of Villa Healthcare will share some precautions that patients with cystic fibrosis should take.

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Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Irritable bowel syndrome is a digestive disorder that causes discomfort and pain in the stomach. These discomforts are generated due to the speed of passage of food through the colon that causes alterations in the intestinal muscles during the contraction and relaxation phase. The colon does not have enough time to absorb the water they contain and a chronic disorder occurs that affects the normal functioning of the intestine. In general, people with irritable bowel syndrome oscillate between the painful phases and the remission phases of the disease. Although irritable bowel syndrome is not serious, it does affect the quality of life of people who suffer from it.

Here, Mark Berger Villa Healthcare CEO explains more about the causes of irritable bowel syndrome.

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Treatment of Hypochondriasis in Older People: Tips for Caregivers and Family Members

Aspects such as loneliness or health weakening are in turn the trigger for other pathologies of a psychological and emotional nature. In many people, these obsessions focus on the unfounded belief that they have a serious illness. This disorder is called hypochondriasis and it is a challenge for family members and caregivers of older people who suffer from it.

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Eating Healthy as You Age

It’s a well-known fact food fuels the body. Our brains are like the engines to our body, and in order to function their best, they need healthy foods. Simply put, what you eat does matter to your brain health. Healthy eating is important at any age but becomes even more so as we reach midlife and beyond. As you age, eating a healthy diet can help to improve mental acuteness, boost your energy levels, and increase your resistance to illness. In fact, a number of researches show that many foods can help boost cognition, memory, and other aspects of brain health. Below, Mark Berger, Villa Healthcare’s founder, and CEO shares valuable information about how your diet can help your brain and lists some brain-boosting foods you can incorporate into your diet. Villa Healthcare is a leading provider of post-hospital care company, which recently had national participation in the Red Nose Day.

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The Benefits of Cardiac Rehabilitation

Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death and disability in the United States. Acute cardiac events such as heart failure, myocardial infarction, and intracoronary artery procedures affect over two million individuals in the U.S. each year and over half of these individuals are over the age of 65. Rehabilitation at a skilled nursing facility is the more cost-effective option for post-acute cardiac However, according to Mark Berger, Villa Healthcare CEO, with an estimated participation of only 10-20% of eligible patients, cardiac rehabilitation is underused in the United States.

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